New developments in matrix management – free webinar
Join our free web seminar on New Developments in Matrix Management to discover our latest thinking and experience from facilitating hundreds of workshops on this topic around the world.
- Understanding what a matrix is and why leading organizations use it, including new development in finding the balance of integration and agility
- Identifying the key leadership challenges in managing people in a matrix – for people working in, on and with the matrix
- Key phases and elements in supporting a matrix transformation or change
- Taking a deeper dive – creating clarity and managing ambiguity
Next session Friday at 2 p.m. Click Register button above for details
This web seminar will be run by Kevan Hall, CEO of Global Integration.
Kevan is a regular keynote speaker and facilitator around the world, and the author of several books on new ways of working, including Making the Matrix Work (and the revised second edition subtitled The Agile Remix), he is the global thought leader on managing people in a matrix.
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30 years of experience learning with a range of world class clients
We work with a wide range of clients from global multinationals to recent start-ups. Our audiences span all levels, from CEOs to operational teams around the world. Our tools and programs have been developed for diverse and demanding audiences.
Tailored training or off the shelf modules for your people development needs
We are deep content experts in remote, virtual and hybrid working, matrix management and agile & digital leadership. We are highly flexible in how we deliver our content and ideas. We can tailor content closely to your specific needs or deliver off the shelf bite sized modules based on our existing IP and 30 years of training experience.
For more about how we deliver our keynotes, workshops, live web seminars and online learning.