A glossary of common terms and definitions for our areas of expertise – we hope you find them useful.

Hybrid Team
A Hybrid Team includes team members with a variety of working modes including office based full or part time and/or working remotely or from home for part or all of the time.
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Solid Line Reporting
These reporting lines can take the form of either a solid line or a dotted line reporting relationship. The weight of the line is meant to represent the level of power and influence of the different managers.
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Networked Organization
The networked organization is one that is connected together by informal networks and the demands of the task, rather than a formal organizational structure. The network organization prioritizes its “soft structure” of relationships, networks, teams, groups and communities rather than reporting lines.
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Matrix Organization
A matrix organization structure is usually defined as one where there are multiple reporting lines – that is, people have more than one formal boss. This may incorporate solid lines (direct strong reporting) and dotted lines (a weaker reporting relationship, but still indicating some formal level of ‘right’ to the individual’s time) or it may mean multiple solid lines to more than one boss.
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Matrix Teams
Matrix teams cut across the traditional silos of function and geography. Sometimes known as cross-functional teams they are now common with many people working on multiple teams at the same time
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Global Leaders
Global leadership refers to leading people who are based in multiple regions of the world. Global leaders have to engage very diverse groups of stakeholders and colleagues to get things done. They lead people across distance, cultures, time zones and in complex organizational structures such as a matrix or networked organization structure.
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Dotted Line Reporting
The formal definition of a matrix organization structure is where people report formally to more than one manager (thought many organizations now define a matrix as working on multiple teams too) . These reporting lines can take the form of what is known as a solid line or a dotted line reporting relationship. The weight of the line is meant to represent the level of power and influence of the different managers.
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